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Our Mission is to provide comprehensive, family, patient and faith centered care to children and adolescents with ADHD and common behavioral problems.


Our company’s philosophy is to treat all patients and families with respect regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation of child or parents.

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Get to Know Us

Dr. Caballero


Welcome to Healing Hands for ADHD.  I have been a board-certified Pediatrician for 30 years.  I have always had an interest in ADHD and Advocacy. When I was younger and diagnosed with ADHD my parents were not able to get help for me through the schools.  Fortunately for me I have great parents who read and did whatever they could for me, and I turned out to be a doctor, a mother and a wife.  As an adult, I was shocked to find that there was not much more being done for children at schools than when I was a child.  I also found that some schools did better than others.  We learned that through IDEA and part 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1973 our children were entitled to a Free Appropriate Public Education.  I could tell you some fantastic stories of when they tried not to give FAPE (free appropriate public education) to my child.  However, a very kind vice-principal told us what to do.  My husband and I learned what our children were entitled to under the law, and we were able to get what they needed.  My children are successful adults.  It took a lot of work on their part and our part and the kindness of a school official.


As well as ADHD, I have Cerebral Palsy.  People can easily recognize the signs of Cerebral Palsy.  They are offering help constantly.  Truthfully, I don’t really need it.  ADHD causes me the biggest problem. Sometimes I am easily distracted, messy, not organized and interrupt people.  To others this may make me appear lazy and rude.  People who really know me know that is not true.  I am successful because I have been blessed with a husband who is my teammate and supports my endeavors.  Also, I have an experienced behavioral therapist and a doctor who is skilled at managing my medications.  Previously I had worked at Hope Pediatrics who worked with me and provided me accommodations.


With the recent acquisition of Hope Pediatrics by UPMC, I decided to establish my practice just for ADHD and Advocacy. The purpose of this practice is to treat children and adolescents with ADHD, ADHD and comorbidities and help them navigate the school system(advocacy).  I am collaborating with a behavioral therapist so my patients will be able to have the behavioral piece as well as the school piece and medication.    This practice is a gift from us (my husband Chuck and I) to the community especially Children with ADHD and their families.

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Approach and Explanation of ADHD

ADHD affects the prefrontal cortex of the brain. This controls the executive functioning of the brain. Think of this as the boss of the brain. A child may be very smart, but if this is not working right, they cannot filter out extra noises or visual stimuli. They often do or speak before they think, they move around a lot, and it is difficult for them to stay organized.


Other people may perceive this child as naughty, lazy, or rude. They may perceive teenagers with ADHD as troublemakers.


ADHD does not give children an excuse for difficult behavior or not doing their homework etc. They will constantly need to learn to manage their symptoms. ADHD is a medical diagnosis just like Diabetes. Children with diabetes do not have enough Insulin so they learn how to control their blood sugars by monitoring this, giving themselves insulin, diet, and exercise. A child cannot do this on their own. Their parents teach them as they grow. ADHD is a medical diagnosis as well. It is caused by the lack of certain chemicals in the space between the nerve cells in the brain. Medication alone will not cure ADHD. It will make it more manageable so modifications at home and school will work better. So, parents will have to guide them as they grow.


Many children and adolescents with ADHD do well in school. Many parents do not realize that ADHD affects their function at home, their relationship with peers, their self-esteem, and social skills. Even if they have good grades, we recommend that these patients be treated using the model below.


Dr. Caballero, the Child and the Family will create a plan for each child. The best outcomes for children with ADHD occur with a Multifaceted approach which includes collaborating with the schools, behavior management and medication.


At the appointments we will discuss each of the below in more detail. School piece may include different accommodations depending on the child. This is usually in the form of a 504 or IEP.


The behavioral piece, which is usually parent training in behavior management, gives parents the skills and strategies to help their child.


The medication piece: Just as you would give insulin to a diabetic to replace what is missing. ADHD medicine increases the chemical messengers in the space between the neurons in the brain. I will discuss it in more detail at the visit.


What to expect:


Before visit:

1. We will want you to sign a release so we can send information back and forth to the schools.

2. We will be calling to do an intake if not completed through the portal.

3. There will be forms on the portal, if completed, that can be reviewed by Dr. Caballero before the visit.


During the visit:

1st visit is half an hour we will discuss your child’s diagnosis and answer questions.

2nd visit we will design and implement your child’s treatment plan. This will be 30 minutes.

3rd visit we will tweak medications and discuss any issues at home or school.

Further visit will discuss and address treatment plan and adjustments will be made as necessary.

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We accept the following insurances:


Aetna Custom HMO


Blue Cross Blue Shield



Health Partners



United Healthcare







(P) Pending

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Patient Portal

Our HIPAA Policy

Our Consent Form

Our Financial Policy

Our No Show Policy

Healing Hands for ADHD utilizes MEDENT for our Electronic Records System. Current and new patients can access the system by clicking the link below to send messages, access patient records, request medicine refills and view upcoming appointments.

Existing Patient Appointment Scheduling

New Patient Appointment Scheduling

To make a payment on your account click the link below.

Global Payment Image.jpeg

A video tutorial of the patient portal can be viewed by clicking the below link.

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External Resources

Below is a list of resources that we recommend for our patients. Please click on the items to link to the websites.

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Contact Us


3512 State Route 257, Suite 107

Seneca, PA 16346



Operating Hours







8:00 am - 5:00 pm

8:30 am - 12:30 pm Video

8:00 am - 5:00 pm

9:00 am - 5:30 pm

8:00 am - 4:00 pm Video

Video only determined as needed

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